About CKN
The China Knowledge Network
The China Knowledge Network (CKN) was established to develop knowledge and awareness in support of Dutch government policy. CKN connects various knowledge disciplines and policy areas to understand China’s motives, policies and vision. Funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and administered by the Special Envoy for Knowledge on China, all Dutch government ministries collaborate and co-decide on its program of work. More than two hundred academics and experts working on China and based in The Netherlands are active members. Our international non-member network is growing and diversifying rapidly, contributing to a better understanding of complex challenges in the Sino-Dutch relationship.
All research publications can be found in the library. You can keep up with our activities by following CKN’s LinkedIn account. Responsibility for all contents and opinions expressed remains with the authors and speakers and does not imply endorsement by the Netherlands’ government or One Team CKN.
One Team CKN
Clingendael - the Netherlands Institute of International Relations - is an independent think tank and academy on international affairs which aims to contribute to a secure, sustainable and just world.