China Kennissessie - The Challenge of Getting China Right by Vincent Brussee

CKN Sessie Vincent
CKN Sessie Vincent

This CKN Knowledge Session is the first of a two part series about China and the West’s mutual knowledge and understanding.

This first part delves into a critical topic that reveals the challenges the outside world faces in gaining an accurate understanding of China. The central question we'll explore is: If the image of China is incomplete or inaccurate, is it still possible to formulate sound China policy?

Information is the most essential currency in all decision-making processes, whether for businesses or governments. It is crucial to understand how information from China is becoming more restricted, how this may impact different stakeholders, and what can be done to mitigate these challenges.

Vincent Brussee is a PhD candidate at Leiden University, whose research focuses on the application of data science for contemporary China Studies, looking specifically at domestic policy and governance. In addition, he is interested in surveillance and censorship in China and worldwide. He has been a regular media commentator, having appeared on BBC World News, in Foreign Policy, South China Morning Post, and multipe national outlets in Europe. He is also the author of the book “Social Credit: The Warring States of China's Emerging Data Empire" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).

Watch here:


The aim of the LeidenAsiaCentre is to generate academic knowledge on modern East Asia that can find societal applications in the Netherlands. The LeidenAsiaCentre focuses primarily on East Asia: China (including Taiwan), Japan, Korea and Singapore, but is expanding its focus to include South and Southeast Asia, notably India and the Indo-Pacific. As an independent NGO by Dutch law, the LeidenAsiaCentre identifies topics related to social-economic and political developments within Asia that are of relevance for the Netherlands and Europe at large.