Showing 1 - 12 of 17 results

CKN Presentation: Chinese Interference in Dutch Media

The report examines three different areas: 1. Working conditions for Dutch journalists in China. 2. China’s influence and interference in Dutch-language media. 3. China’s influence and interference in Chinese-language media in the Netherlands. Researchers Bouwers and Kamerling interviewed dozens of (former) Dutch correspondents, news editors, and employees of Chinese-language media in the Netherlands about the extent to which they experience China’s attempts to influence and interfere in their work.
Leiden University, Wijnhaven Building, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague

China Kennissessie - The Challenge of Getting China Right by Vincent Brussee

This CKN Knowledge Session is the first of a two part series about China and the West’s mutual knowledge and understanding. This first part delves into a critical topic that reveals the challenges the outside world faces in gaining an accurate understanding of China. The central question we'll explore is: If the image of China is incomplete or inaccurate, is it still possible to formulate sound China policy?

RIJKSINTERN - China in Africa - Confronting Complexity

China in Africa - Confronting Complexity This themed session focuses on China in Africa, but the scope is broader. This session is intended as a context-setting meeting, providing a basis for policy-making in a later discussion. China's approach to Africa—and Africa’s response combined with Africa’s increasing political agency in its relationship with Europe (more broadly: the West)—says much about the shifting dynamics in the world. It is therefore essential to address the theme of ‘China in Africa’ in a broader context, one that centers on this complexity and encourages us to honestly reflect. The world is in flux. Russia and China are increasingly challenging Western approaches in other parts of the world, sometimes successfully in Africa. Meanwhile, the Netherlands is significantly cutting its development aid budget.

Verlenging China- en Rusland Kennisnetwerken

De Nederlandse overheid blijft inzetten op het vergroten van de kennis in Nederland over China door de verlenging van het China Kennisnetwerk